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Analysts draw world’s attention towards unchecked human rights violations in IIOJ&K
February 19, 2021

Sikandar Shah (Expert on International Law): Present Indian government made a fake attempt to show the world that everything is ok in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. However, its real face has already been exposed before the world. India illegally and unilaterally abrogated Article 370 and 35-A which is clear violation of the UN resolutions. The recent UNHR report and similar reports coming from reputable international organizations will be helpful in supporting Kashmiris' struggle to get their right to self-determination. India is violating international laws and committing atrocities in the occupied valley without any discrimination of age and gender. Indian forces are using illegal weapons like pellet guns on innocent Kashmiris in violation of international laws. So far, no change has been observed in the US policy towards India and Washington is supporting New Delhi to counter the influence of China in the region. Pakistan at its end is taking all possible measures to effectively highlight Kashmir issue in front of the world. There is a need to support Kashmir diaspora across the globe in their efforts to convince the world to ensure implementation of the UN resolutions on Kashmir issue. It is unfortunate that the Muslim countries are not united and giving preference to their national interests, rather than becoming connected for protecting the rights of Muslim world.

Ali Sultan (Expert on International Law): It is not the first time that the United Nations Observer Group has presented report on human rights abuses committed by India in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. A few months ago, UN Human Rights Observer Group presented a report clearly indicating Indian atrocities against innocent Kashmiris in which they used banned items like cluster bombs, pellet guns and others. Other than the United Nations, many international NGOs including Human Rights Watch also published reports on human rights violations in IIOJ&K based on reality, facts and figures. Such reports obviously are useful in highlighting Kashmir dispute at international level. The demographic changes India is making in the disputed territory are in clear violation of Geneva Convention and can be classified as war crime. In past two years, the Indian government has faced humiliations at diplomatic front as the world has rejected Indian narrative on Kashmir issue.

Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Naeem Khalid Lodhi (Defense Analyst): The peace and stability in Pakistan is directly or indirectly linked with peace and stability in Afghanistan. But unfortunately many peace spoilers including India, ISIS, Daesh and some non-stake actors are active in Afghanistan. Many stakeholders including Pakistan, China, Russia and Central Asian states are making efforts to bring peace in the landlocked country. India is a strategic partner of the United States and Washington is supporting India to counter China. So we may say that whatever India is doing in the region, it is with the support of the United States. United States will want to keep its influence in Afghanistan even after the withdrawal of NATO forces from that country.

Rahimullah Yusufzai (Expert on Afghan Affairs): Foreign Minister has indirectly pointed out the spoiler in Afghan peace process, but it is definitely India. United States sees India as a stabilizing force in Afghanistan whereas Pakistan considers New Delhi as a destabilizing actor in ongoing peace process in the war-torn country. There are other non-state actors as well like Daesh, ISIS, and TTP that are not in favor of peace and stability in Afghanistan as these militant groups are aware that if Taliban become part of political system, then they will have no space. Still a large number of Afghan refugees are in Pakistan for different reasons. Some of them do not have peace in their areas in Afghanistan. But most of them are here because of economic concerns. The Afghan refugees have been making a living for their families in Pakistan. There must be some incentive for them to go back to their country. I am hopeful that success of peace talks in Afghanistan will convince the Afghan refugees to repatriate.