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Govt constitutes Special Investment Facilitation Council for economic revival of country
June 20, 2023

The Government has constituted Special Investment Facilitation Council for the economic revival of the country.

The event was chaired by the Prime Minister and attended by the Chief Ministers, Federal and Provincial Ministers, Chief of Army Staff and high-level government officials.

During a high-level meeting, the Government unveiled an elaborated ‘Economic Revival Plan’ in the wake of economic hardships being confronted by the country.

The plan envisages capitalizing Pakistan’s untapped potential in key sectors of Defence Production, Agricultural / Livestock, Minerals / Mining, IT and Energy, through indigenous development as well as investments from friendly countries. To fast-track the development of projects, establishment of Special Investment Facilitation Council has been undertaken to act as a ‘Single Window’ interface for the potential investors as well as to adopt a unified approach.

The setup will shorten hitherto fore cumbersome and lengthy business processes through a cooperative and collaborative ‘whole of the government approach’ with representation of all stakeholders.

It is aimed at creating horizontal-vertical synergy between federation and provinces; facilitating timely decision making; avoiding duplication of effort; and ensuring swift project implementation. The high-ranking participation from Federal and Provincial Governments clearly manifests the national resolve to turn around the economy despite all odds.

The Prime Minister recalled that his government inherited an economy which was on brink of collapse. With bold and difficult decisions, it is now being steered towards growth and development. He said there are, however, massive challenges ahead.

He said export oriented FDIs hold the key to economic revival. He said the government has, therefore decided to adopt a holistic / whole-of-government approach which fosters partnerships within the federal and provincial governments for effective implementation and execution.

He said the investors would be given primacy and fast track approvals, through a well-coordinated approach, he added.

Prime Minister observed that the expected investments would create jobs and livelihoods for the youth and women. He advised that the focus should be on empowering young and females to realize their full potential.

He said urged all to work together, leave no stone unturned and be single-minded in our focus and direction. He said we can transform the destiny of Pakistan and its people. He said it would, however, not happen without hard work and staying the course on the path of progress and development.

Army Chief General Syed Asim Munir assured Pakistan Army’s all out support to complement Government’s efforts for Economic Revival Plan, considered fundamental to socio-economic prosperity of Pakistanis and reclaiming Pakistan’s rightful stature among the comity of nations.