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Pakistan stands shoulder to shoulder with Kashmiris: Analysts
October 27, 2024

Dr Muhammad Khan (IR Expert):

Today, not only Kashmiris at the both sides of LoC are protesting, there are also protests across Pakistan to mark the Kashmir Black Day and send a message to India and the international community that they vehemently reject India’s illegal occupation. The Pakistani and Kashmiri communities in other countries of the world also observed the Kashmir Black Day and made it clear to India that the Kashmir issue is not resolved.

Pakistan very effectively and beautifully used its diplomacy throughout the history of the conflict and maintained its unwavering stance on Kashmir. Whatever India wanted to do to mislead the world, the UN resolutions on Kashmir will remain valid. It is very clear in the UN resolutions that the issue of Kashmir will be settled by the Kashmiris themselves through plebiscite and free will. And it is very clear that the people of Kashmir are in favor of Pakistan which is the cause of delay of plebiscite in IIOJ&K by India.

India always tried to end the Kashmir issue through its nefarious designs like its unilateral move on 5th August 2019 to end the special status of Kashmir and created Union Territories in IIOJ&K. This move is a violation of UNSC Resolutions 91 and 122. India also went against the Shimla Accord in which it was stated that no state but only the Kashmiris could change the status of Kashmir through plebiscite. Despite issuing some four million localized domiciles to people, India cannot change the demography of Kashmir. The State Laws of Kashmir of 1927 very clearly say that the non-Kashmiris are not entitled to buy a land in Kashmir. 

The Kashmiri youth in Pakistan and abroad must be kept aware of their rights regarding Kashmir because the relation of Pakistan and Kashmir is very strong and it is vital for the survival of both. Despite the presence of nine hundred thousand personnel of Indian forces in IIOJ&K, if Kashmiris are standing for their rights, it is because of their passionate love for their land and support of the people, especially Pakistanis.


Ghulam Muhammad Safi (Leader APHC):

To snatch the freedom of Kashmiris, India’s first attempt was to kill people in IIOJ&K and second attempt was to create misunderstandings and hurt the feelings of Pakistanis regarding the Kashmiris and vice versa. They tried their best to make Kashmiris feel that Pakistan has left them alone and people of Kashmir cannot fight India. But despite that, the people of Kashmir and Pakistan stand resolute and vowed that until ending the occupation of India from Kashmir, they will not back off. Observing the 27th October as Black Day in Pakistan, Kashmir and in other countries is to make India clear that its illegal occupation of Kashmir is unacceptable and until the end of this occupation, they will keep raising their voices against India.

India learned the tactic of changing demography of Kashmir from Israel. Both India and Israel wanted to change the demography of areas under their occupation. It is better to get aware of their evil designs and act accordingly.