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IIOJK: APHC expresses concern over political detainees' plight in jails
April 06, 2023

In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference has condemned the denial of basic amenities, including food and medical facilities to Kashmiri political detainees in jails and termed it as a brazen violation of the prisoners’ rights guaranteed by the UN Human Rights Charter of 1948.

The APHC spokesman in a statement issued in Srinagar cautioned that  the lives of the detainees are at threat for being exposed to the dangerous diseases amid multiple ailments, unhygienic food and filthy environment at jails.

The spokesman also condemned the continued cordon and search operations and raids on the houses of Hurriyat leaders and activists.

APHC leaders including Ghulam Muhammad Khan Sopori, Syed Bashir Andrabi, Muhammad Yasin Attai, and others in their statements in Srinagar strongly reacted to the Indian government’s acknowledgement that more than 180 outsiders have, so far, purchased land in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

They said that the actual number of the outsiders buying Kashmir’s land is far more than the number Modi regime has disclosed in the Indian parliament. 

They pointed out that New Delhi scrapped Articles 370 and 35A under the wicked plan to settle outsiders in the disputed territory to change its demography.