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Modi-led Indian regime continues to confiscate properties of Kashmiris in IIOJK
June 27, 2024

(File photo)

In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the Modi-led Indian regime continues to confiscate properties of Kashmiri people to suppress them.

According to Kashmir Media Service, five more Kashmiris have been stripped of their nine kanals of land worth millions of rupees in Baramulla district.

In a statement issued in Srinagar, the APHC spokesman Advocate Abdul Rashid Minhas said property attachment is a new tool deployed by Modi regime to suppress the legitimate struggle of Kashmiri people.

Meanwhile, a Kashmiri delegation has staged protest outside the UN office in Geneva to condemn India's human rights violations in illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

The protesters urged the UN to secure the release of ailing Hurriyat leader Farooq Ahmad Dar and investigate torture cases across the occupied territory.