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PM announces establishment of Rehmatul-lil-Aalameen Authority to preach love & humanity
October 10, 2021

Prime Minister Imran Khan has announced establishment of Rehmatul-lil-Aalameen Authority to preach that Islam is a religion of love and humanity.

Inaugurating the start of ten-day Rehmatul-lil-Alameen celebrations for the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal in Islamabad on Sunday evening, he said an international advisory board comprising international scholars will also be constituted to present real face of Islam before the world.

Imran Khan said he will be the patron-in-chief of the Rehmatul-lil-Aalameen Authority and its chairman will be a top scholar of Islam. He said the authority will monitor curriculum being taught at schools and organize research in universities on the true message of Islam in light of the teachings of the Holy Prophet [Sallallah-o-Alaihe wa Alehi wa Sallam Khatam-un-Nabiyyeen]. He stressed the need to undertake research on Muslim heroes.

The Prime Minister said a cartoon series will be made to introduce Islamic culture to our children. He said Islam has its own cultural values that need to be taught to our children to protect them from evils like sex crimes. He said the authority will also remain vigilant of any blasphemous content being shared on the media and to portray real picture of Islam.

Prime Minister Imran Khan also emphasized on teaching the life of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad [Sallallah-o-Alaihe wa Alehi wa Sallam Khatam-un-Nabiyyeen] for a successful and progressive society.

He said we cannot uplift our country unless we follow the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet [Sallallah-o-Alai-he- Wassalim]. He said following the principles laid down by the Holy Prophet [Sallallah-o-Alai-he- Wassalim] for the state of Madina is imperative for a vibrant society.

The Prime Minister said that the society, as a whole, will have to stand up to fight corruption, poverty, immorality, and other evils.

Earlier speaking on the occasion, Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Pir Noor-Ul-Haq Qadri said Ashra Rehmat-ul-Lilalameen will continue till 13th of Rabi ul Awal.

He said life of Hazrat Muhammad Rasool Allah Khatam-un-Nabiyyin Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is essential for salvation and eternal virtue.

The Minister said in connection to celebrate this Radio Pakistan and PTV will hold a country wide Na'at competitions. He said different seminars and debating contests will also be held at district level.

Pir Noor-Ul-Haq Qadri said it is for the first time that a Prime Minister is leading the celebrations of Rabi Ul Awwal which is a good omen for the country and the Islamic world.