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Iron hand dealing necessary against fake news: Analysts
November 15, 2024

Brig (Retd) Masood Ahmed Khan (Defense Analyst): The Chief of Army Staff has talked about the fake news in the past as well. We have to deal with the disinfo, Fake narratives and conspiracies against the state institutions. In the past, EU disinfo Lab exposed Indian efforts to malign Pakistan through some media houses. At the national level, some of the youtubers and vloggers are also a part of Indian propaganda in targeting the state institutions and promoting hatred among the people against  the state. Such culprits must be dealt with iron hands as per rules and regulations. Some of the political leaders are being harassed by some elements abroad and then it is spread through social media and such acts defame the country. The government has done a good job of introducing a firewall in order to restrict the fake news spread through social media.

Dr. Noor Fatima (IR Expert): Every nation has some resources in any shape. Pakistan is lucky enough to have a youth bulge. The need of the hour is to provide quality education and skill development to ensure the grooming of the youth so that they can contribute to the country’s development. The government needs to revive technical training institutes. The youth must be taught that social media is not a career and rather than wasting time on it they must focus on skill development. It is the moral responsibility of the parents as well to teach their children to stay away from social media. The government should also provide opportunities to groom youth in order to make them innovative. There must be certain policies to attract the youth so that they can contribute in the best interest of the state.