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Former ambassadors hail commitment of caretaker government to pursue a vibrant foreign policy
August 18, 2023

Najam us Saqib (Former Ambassador): A new caretaker government has taken charge in Pakistan. The caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar ul Haq Kakar has indicated to continue the economic reforms of the previous governments. Foreign policy is depiction of internal economic, political and social environment. We are passing through testing times. The biggest challenge for foreign policy is to understand the challenges of foreign policy. Secondly, we have to be economically sound to have relations with other countries on equal footing. Pak, India relations and Pak, Afghan ties need urgent attention. The influx of terrorists from Afghanistan needs to be addressed immediately. The ambassador of Pakistan to any country’s first job is to bring foreign investment into the home country. I have high expectations from Jalil Abbas Jilani that he will deliver.

Ali Sarwar Naqvi (Former Ambassador): Pakistan’s foreign policy is based on mutual respect, sovereignty and national interests. Pakistan wants good and normal relations with all countries of the world. It also wants to increase trade and commercial ties for mutual benefit. Pakistan enjoys deep rooted and strong relations with China. China Pakistan Economic Corridor is further strengthening this relationship as well as providing benefits to Pakistan in a number of areas. Pakistan has benefitted from projects in energy, infrastructure and connectivity that are being completed under CPEC.