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Analysts hail initiation of dialogue with Taliban to form an inclusive government in Afghanistan
September 19, 2021

Dr. Zafar Nawaz Jaspal (IR Expert): It is a good development that Pakistan and other regional stakeholders have initiated a dialogue with the Taliban for the formation of an inclusive government in Afghanistan. There must be representation of Tajiks, Hazaras and Uzbeks in the new government. The world must know that the Taliban have come into power by bullet and not by ballet. Pakistan must adopt a careful approach towards handling the regional situation particularly in Afghanistan. In the previous era, the Taliban could not get international recognition but this time they have come up with a mature mindset. Taliban are very well aware of the fact that international linkage is very much important for the survival of the Afghan people. But nobody can dictate the Afghan government regarding forming its policies. India is the strategic partner of the United States and heavily invested in Afghanistan. In the two decades of occupation in Afghanistan, many Afghan people serving in Afghanistan were trained in India. So it could be a hurdle that these people may not challenge the Taliban government but can continue supporting India to carry on its nefarious activities in Pakistan. 

Dr. A.Z. Hilali (IR Expert): As far as the foreign policy of Pakistan is concerned in context to prevailing regional situations, there is no ambiguity in it and we have a crystal clear narrative that the world will come forward to support the newly formed Afghan government. The major regional stakeholders including China, Russia and Pakistan are requesting the international community to support the Afghan people in providing food and other basic necessities and rebuilding Afghanistan in order to avert any humanitarian crisis in the war-torn country. Isolating Afghanistan at this point of time will be disastrous that will not be in favor of the neighboring countries but the entire world. It is the time that the global attention must divert to the newly empowered Taliban's plan to rebuild the country from the ruins left behind by the US military invasion. It is also a good development that Prime Minister Imran Khan will virtually address, 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly on 24th of this month. The Prime Minister will definitely convey Islamabad's views on the major global economic and political issues, including the human rights violations in Indian occupied Kashmir and urgency to stabilize Afghanistan.


Dr. Huma Baqai (IR Expert): Afghan Taliban are the new reality in Afghanistan. There may be certain challenges in Afghanistan. The main challenge is the acknowledgment and legitimacy of newly formed Afghan government at international level. If the Afghan government could not manage to take international acknowledgement, then it may unfold the humanitarian crises there. Some 14 million people in Afghanistan are at risk of severe hunger and moreover drought in the country may add to the difficulties. The international community need to get engaged with the Taliban government and ensure to sustain it. It is unfortunate that certain peace spoilers are still active in the country. Pakistan, Iran, Russia and China being the important regional stakeholders are making all out efforts to bring peace and stability in Afghanistan.

Munir Akram (Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations): There are certain issues needed to be addressed at United Nations General Assembly forum. The main challenges are the affects of COVID-19 pandemic that has changed the global situation. Moreover, issues like climate change, poverty alleviation and others will also be addressed. The tension between great powers, including the United States and China has increased. It means that entire world is passing through a critical phase. There is need of multilateral strategies and diplomacy to cope with the challenges. The foremost priority of Pakistan at this forum will be the economic and social developments. Moreover to highlight Indian human rights violations in IIOJ&K and its aggression at LoC.