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Pakistan condemns state terrorism against people under illegal occupation: Moeed
June 24, 2021

National Security Advisor, Dr. Moeed Yusuf has said that Pakistan's main priority of generating greater economic activity and reducing unemployment is completely in sync with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization's direction. 

In his formal statement at the 16th meeting of the National Security Advisors of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Dushanbe, he apprised the member states about Pakistan's success in fighting Covid 19 pandemic.

The National Security Advisor stressed the need to counter the pandemic's negative economic impact and also highlighted Prime Minister Imran Khan's efforts to champion the Global Initiative for Debt Relief.

About Afghanistan, he said failure to attain peace in Afghanistan is the most immediate challenge facing the SCO today.

He said Pakistan is fully committed to support a stable, peaceful, sovereign, and united Afghanistan at peace with itself and with the neighbours. However, he cautioned against spoilers, both within and outside Afghanistan.

Moeed Yusuf said Pakistan cannot allow Afghan soil to be used against it.

He said that Pakistan condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including state terrorism against people under illegal occupation.