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Analysts stressed the need to strictly follow the golden principles of Quaid e Azam to make Pakistan a real welfare state.
December 25, 2021

Fawad Hussain Chaudhary: (Federal Minister of Information and Broadcasting): The youth of Pakistan should align their goals and should devise optimal strategy for execution of their plans. The founder of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah has also endorsed these principles for the young generation of Pakistan. Quaid-i-Azam has single handedly fought gallantly at multitudinous platforms to advocate for the cause of Pakistan. It was Quaid's diligence and consistency that eventually led to materialization of his dream of formulation of Pakistan. Quaid's emblem is not only confined to creation of a nation state but he has unequivocally played a decisive role in nation building progress. The concept of self-respect was rigorously inculcated by Quaid-i-Azam in his nation. The young generation of Pakistan should prioritize their dignity and self-respect. The Prime Minister Imran Khan is meticulously following the footsteps of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The recent developments have contributed in the increment of the prestige of Pakistan at international level. Moreover, the social protection programs are substantiating a down trodden segment of Pakistan to uplift their living standards which was also the vision of Pakistan.

Dr. Huma Baqai: (IR Expert): Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah has foreseen the geopolitical importance of Pakistan even before its inception. The inference of his statements can be traced down in the front line role of Pakistan in War on Terror and indispensability of Pakistan for One Belt One Road Initiative. Moreover, the father of the nation has always talked about the importance of ethos for the progress of any nation. Quaid has out rightly said that 'No power on earth can undo Pakistan' which is evident from the fact that Pakistan has survived through worse existential issues. The security dilemma has long haunted Pakistan but credible deterrence has always cut short the crisis. Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah has emphasized on the education and empowerment of women and it is high time that Pakistan should bring inclusivity in every domain.  

Syed Fakhar Imam: (Federal Minister National Food Security & Research): The inception of Pakistan on the world map was one of the historic events in the post-World War-II epoch. Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a stalwart character in the political history of sub-continent. He was the only political leader who triumphed in changing the contours of the World map by virtue of his acumen. In the contemporary era, Pakistan is undoubtedly facing socio-political and economic challenges. But as a nation, we have high determination to curb these issues collectively. The security challenges have been turned down at every instance of our history by our professional and valiant armed forces. Pakistan will never compromise its sovereignty under any circumstances which is the core of the vision of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The youth of Pakistan needs to get along with the mottos and principles as propagated by the father of the nation to cope with the current challenges. 

Ali Muhammad Khan: (Minister for Parliamentary Affairs): Every nation-state is established on the basis of certain ideology and Pakistan was founded on the ideological disposition of Islam. Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah has explicitly conveyed that the nation of Pakistan is second to none and has zeal to progress. He was of the view that there are ample examples in history that depict that nations have progressed only when they have self-confidence. Quaid's nation should not have fear of anything, even death, except Allah S.W.T. According to the founder of Pakistan, there is no better salvation than martyrdom which is deeply entrenched in our social fabric and this is why no power can undo Pakistan. The political leadership of Pakistan should be vigilant while making decisions. Moreover, only Islamic social justice principles can relive the dreadful situation of intolerance and injustice. 

Khawaja Razi Haider: (Writer and Scholar): The spirits of the ideology of Muhammad Ali Jinnah have been widely ignored in the contemporary Pakistan. The classical institutions like Radio Pakistan are proactive in disseminated the message of Muhammad Ali Jinnah to wake up the nation. The entire life of Quaid-i-Azam is an epitome of sagacity, tolerance, and shrewdness. In his political career of 44 years, he never did something in impunity with law which implies that supremacy of law should be our core creed. The speeches of Muhammad Ali Jinnah were guiding principles for the formulation of the constitution of Pakistan. But unfortunately, the crux of those speeches has been lost somewhere and has been confined to mere political rhetoric. The lack of morality corrodes the pillars of any nation and Muhammad Ali Jinnah has also termed nepotism, corruption as heinous crimes. The teachings of Quaid-i-Azam should be included in the mainstream discourse. Moreover, the key factors of ethics, trade, and education should be focused upon to establish an Islamic welfare state. 

Javed Jabbar: (Former Information Minister): The concept of Islamic welfare state that was the vision of Quaid-i-Azam for Pakistan is usually misinterpreted. It is considered as an ideological straitjacket that follows the principles of conservatism. Conversely, Quaid's vision of Islamic welfare state is based on the fundamentals of progress, reinvigoration of Islam through the lens of modernity and women empowerment. Muhammad Ali Jinnah not only changed the shape of World map but also defeated cunning British imperialists with his prudence. Moreover, he defeated Congress men on the political chessboard that were highly against partition of the Indian sub-continent. The Muslim leadership that was opposing independence movement in the pretense of Islam was provided with befitting response by Quaid. In such dynamics of international and regional politics, he laid the foundations of Pakistan. Quaid's Pakistan should be free of fundamentalism, radicalism and other malpractices. The incident of Fall of Dhaka is enough for us to validate that we cannot survive while ignoring the principles of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Pakistan's diversity, unlike other nations, is its power and there is dire need to enlighten the nation about peaceful co-existence and collectively work for the progress of the country.