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Analysts call for concrete and united efforts by Muslim Ummah to counter challenges of Islamophobia
January 26, 2023

Dr. Qibla Ayaz, Chairman Council of Islamic IdeologyThere is a rising trend of Islam phobia in Europe and western countries, and there are some strong groups which do not like Muslims and hate them. The recent incidents of desecration of Holy Quran in Sweden and Netherlands are serious continuation of trend of Islamophobia. If we trace the history of Islamophobia, there is no doubt, it is continuation of religious controversy and some sort of opposition to Islam. In Europe and the United States, there is a growing number of those people who are considered as low income groups and are jobless. Having economic pressure on them, when these people find that a large number of Muslims coming  in their countries and becoming more influential in their society due to their hard work, so they consider Muslims as an economic threat in their countries. It is high time that  Muslim countries  should approach influential people and use their  diplomatic fronts  to counter this challenge in these western countries to counter the challenge of Islamophobia.  It is needed to coordinate common good people in these countries who are moderate and tolerant which consider foreigner non-Christians as part of their society as it will help in lessening hatred against Islam and Muslims.

Senator Professor Sajid Mir: It is very unfortunate that western countries could not understand the feelings of Muslims about sanctity of Holy Quran and respect of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). It is responsibility of whole Muslim world to get united and raise collective voice against such hateful incidents continuously occurring in western countries.  We should have economic boycott of those countries where such kind of incidents happen, and if it is collectively done by Muslim countries, it would help end such kind of incidents.   

Mishaal Malik (Hurriyat Leader): The Indian atrocities are gradually increasing every day since the abrogation of article 370. India is being exposed at every international forum. The ban on BBC's documentary is a clear depiction of India’s intention towards Muslims in the region. Modi regime wants to grab resources of innocent Kashmiri people. Hurriyat leaders including Yasin Malik have been detained in India’s notorious jails where they have been deprived from their basic human rights. Yasin Malik is neither allowed to have a lawyer not he has been presented before the court since he was taken into custody by Indian government.  

Dr. Zahid Anwar Khan (IR Expert):Kashmiris around the world observing India’s Republic Day as a black day. It  is a clear signal to the world community that the decisions of the innocent lives of Kashmiri people are in the hands of brutal Hindutva  ideology led by the fascist Modi government, where there prime focus is to suppress all the minorities especially Muslims. The spiritual and religious beliefs are impossible to follow in Hindu majority areas despite being any minority in India. India is not honoring United Nations resolution of right of self-determination to Kashmiri people. It is the responsibility of International community to pressurize India to end human rights violations in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.