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Analysts urge Afghan authorities to help stop the use of their soil against neighboring countries
September 01, 2023

Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Naeem Khalid Lodhi (Defense Analyst): The ability of Afghanistan to stop terrorists from launching attacks in neighboring countries matters a lot. TTP is not only coming from Afghanistan, but is also using some vulnerable areas in Pakistan. We must review our foreign policy to see who our allies are and who our foes are. Just blaming Afghanistan and not analysing other factors will not solve this problem. There are a lot of terrorist outfits that are not under the control of Afghan government. A high level meeting should take place between authorities of Pakistan and Afghanistan to talk on this issue.

Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Raza Muhammad Khan (Defense Analyst): There is no doubt that some foreign hands are involved in terror activities in Pakistan. Unfortunately, Afghan soil is being used by the militants for their nefarious designs against the neighboring countries, particularly Pakistan. Even the Afghan Supreme Leader has declared a fatwa that promoting terrorism against other neighboring countries is not Jihad. All the stakeholders need to sit together and chalk out a comprehensive plan to root out the menace of terrorism. These militants are being financially supported by certain elements and pose serious threats to the entire region and the globe. Need of the hour is to take strict measures against the militant outfits in Afghanistan and culprits involved in the terrorist activities must be dealt with iron hands.