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Security experts say nation and armed forces will defeat the menace of terrorism
December 23, 2022

Maj. Gen. (Retd.) Samrez Salik (Security Analyst): This menace of terrorism has been present in Pakistan for the last 17 years. Earlier, there were incidents in KPK province and Pak-Afghan border, but now the terrorists have hit the heart of federal capital. It shows that terrorists are expanding their area of operation. However, with effective strategy and policy these incidents can be curbed. Pakistan has fought a successful war against terrorism, and there are sporadic elements involved in such heinous acts. The polarization of society is also giving room to such elements. There is also interest of some foreign powers to destabilize Pakistan.

Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Raza Muhammad Khan (Security Expert): Nation and armed forces are determined to defeat the menace of terrorism. Terrorists have their local facilitators and abettors to assist them in such attacks. We need to activate the National Action Plan against terrorism. We should enhance the capacity of CTD against terrorists. There are divisions among Taliban and some elements of TTP are trying to launch attacks inside Pakistan. Afghan government knows where the elements of TTP are hiding in Afghanistan and it is their responsibility to apprehend them and hand over to Pakistani authorities. TTP also enjoys support of some countries hostile to Pakistan. Foreign Office spokesperson yesterday said that Afghan government has given assurances to control such elements operating from its soil. If this issue is not resolved, Pakistan has the option to use other means.