Friday, 28 March 2025, 05:03:02 am

Analyst appreciates govt’s initiatives for development of youth, revival of economy
January 24, 2025

Waheed Ahmad (Former Ambassador): The government is under taking numerous initiatives to enhance foreign exchange reserves. Increasing the tune of remittances is also one of these initiatives. Factually remittances is the foreign exchange which remitted by our overseas Pakistanis to Pakistan. Therefore Pakistan needs to focus on equipping our labour and work force with high paying skills and techniques. I recall Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif as Chief Minister Punjab tried hard to develop skilled labour force in the province for Middle East and other countries. Even today, the government is trying to create awareness among our youth to learn skill and then move abroad for employment. Once I was in Qatar and meet labourers whose parents had sold their lands just to send them abroad. Core problem lies with our education system as we grow our youth without teaching them any skill. Whereas in developed world the students are taught skills at schools and college level. But we teach our students no skill and art work. This is why we are unable to send skilled labour force abroad.