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International community should pressurize India to stop its campaign of oppression against minorities: Analysts
April 28, 2024

Lt Gen (Retd) Raza Muhammad Khan (Defense Analyst): 

It is not only the Amnesty International which is highlighting the human rights violation in India, other global human rights organizations are also reporting Modi’s controversial policies. Unfortunately, Bharatiya Janata Party has always adopted a policy of targeting minorities for political gains. Recently, Narendra Modi in his speech labelled Indian Muslims as “infiltrators”. Such statements must be internationally condemned. The human right violations in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir are the worst form of violation that India is committing. I would recommend that the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council should take a notice of Amnesty International’s report to realize how the democracy in India is being trampled. In India, all minorities including Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and Dalits are facing worst kind of human rights violations on daily basis. It has become clear now that BJP and Modi’s regime is promoting Hindutva ideology in India. As a result of such fascist policies, India itself will suffer the most.

Qaisar Ahmed Sheikh (Federal Minister): 

It is a good development that the incumbent government is making all out efforts to stabilize the economy. The foreign investors are taking keen interest to invest in development projects in Pakistan. An international shipping organization Marks Line has expressed willingness to make Pakistan a transshipment hub. Meanwhile, many internationally well-known companies will also come to Pakistan in future. Another positive development is that our allies have expressed full confidence in the leadership and policies of our government. There is no doubt that the government is working day and night to stabilize the economy and reduce the inflation in the country. 

Romina Khursheed Alam (Coordinator to the Prime Minister on climate change): 

Plastic pollution in Pakistan is very dangerous. Plastic pollution not only affects the environment but also human health. Plastic waste has become a significant environmental challenge due to the lack of proper waste management systems. Government is committed to overcome the challenge of growing plastic pollution. The government has initiated a number of campaigns to discourage the use of plastic in our daily life. The awareness campaigns include a series of seminars and awareness sessions in various schools in which the audience will be informed about the environmental and health hazards of plastic. We have targeted the youth of the country to convey our message. This must also be realized by the traders’ community that this is their country as well so they must also play a role to discourage the use of plastic bags.