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APHC demands complete withdrawal of Indian troops, repeal of all draconian laws from IIOJK
March 29, 2024

(File photo)

The All Parties Hurriyat Conference has demanded complete withdrawal of Indian troops and repeal of all draconian laws from Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

The APHC made the demand while reacting to the recent statement of Indian Home Minister Amit Shah wherein he said that his government is considering repealing the draconian Armed Forces Special Powers Act and pulling back some troops in IIOJK.

Describing Amit Shah’s remarks as political gimmick aimed at misleading the international community, the APHC spokesman deplored that, on one hand, the Indian leaders are talking about lifting of black laws, while on the other, same laws are being used to mercilessly kill, arrest and torture Kashmiris.

Meanwhile, a report released by Kashmir Media Service today said the Indian government is working on a vicious plan to deprive the Kashmiris of their unique identity and culture.

It said that New Delhi is reviving pre-Islamic Hindu civilization in the territory in line with the goal of BJP and RSS.

The report urged the Kashmiris to foster unity and not allow the Modi regime to succeed in its nefarious plans, at any cost. It maintained that preserving their unique identity was an issue of life and death for the Kashmiris.