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Analysts welcome Canadian Prime Minister’s calling for an end to hatred against Muslims
January 30, 2022

Najam us Saqib (Former Ambassador): Recent statement by the Canadian Prime Minister has cordially been welcomed by the Muslim community across the globe. In March 2019, Justin Trudeau tweeted that there is no room for hate and Islamophobia anywhere which implies that this issue is pertinent for a long time. The message of the Canadian premier has been termed as 'unequivocal' that calls for curbing the emerging challenge of Islamophobia.  Prime Minister Imran Khan should be credited for his extraneous efforts for countering Islamophobia at international level. Even in the recent extraordinary session of OIC, only Pakistan had been vocal about the Islamophobia out of 57 Muslim states. The appointment of a special representative for Islamophobia in Canada implies that the issue has been securitized at the international level. India is a front runner when it comes to insinuation of hate against Muslims. The international community should acknowledge the severity of the discrimination against Muslims and should take some concrete steps to culminate it. 

Dr. Zafar Iqbal (Expert Islamophobia): It is quite a good omen that the prime leaders of two major states have touched the rising threat of Islamophobia. Muslims across the globe are facing discrimination on the basis of their religious beliefs. The statement by the Canadian Prime Minister to culminate Islamophobia has drawn flak even from inside the parliament house which implies that the right wingers have prejudice against Muslims. The Muslim community is perceived as an irreconcilable enemy of the West. It is the need of the hour that the western discourse that propagates and advocates Islamophobia should be countered on academic grounds. The western community should establish an institution like FATF that keeps a check on the money being spent for mobilizing extremist views against Muslims and Islam. The Muslim elite and the champions of human rights should collectively put efforts to mitigate the rising menace of Islamophobia. 

Dr. Masoom Yasinzai (Rector IIUI, Religious Scholar): The freedom of expression does not incur defamation and humiliation of religious sentiments. There is a dire need that the western countries mobilize their resources to curb the issue of Islamophobia in their countries. Moreover, the Muslim countries should start talking about this issue at regional as well as international forums. The Western countries like France should either provide plausible justifications for their hate against Muslims or shun their discriminatory policies. Islam incurs a complete code of conduct and the Muslims across the globe should provide a genuine image of Islam to the west. The educational institutions as well as the academicians should impart genuine teachings of Islam along with the technical skills. The Muslim students should be a role model for the West. The western community will stop hating Muslims once Muslims start following original spirit of Islam. 

Najam uddin Shaikh (Former Ambassador): Pakistan has expedited the movements at regional and international level that highlight the reign of terror in IIOJ&K. The Indian state sponsored terrorism should be highlighted in the mainstream media so that the masses of even the western countries are aware of unending atrocities. The Indian government is covertly trying to change the demography of the IIO J&K as they are deploying people from Indian administrative services in the disputed territory and are granting them domiciles. Such nefarious practices need to be highlighted at the international platforms. India is playing the role of a paid stooge of the US in the region to contain China. Pakistan should stay vigilant about the overt and covert moves of India in the IIOJ&K and focus on resolution of the Kashmir issue on the basis of relevant UN resolutions.