Brig. (Retd.) Tipu Sultan (Defense Analyst): Kashmir issue remains the oldest outstanding issue at the UN charter. However, there is a welcoming change as far as Pakistan's narrative is concerned. The present government is taking up the issue effectively. Prime Minister Imran Khan in his address at the UNGA forum highlighted Indian atrocities and cruel face in front of the world. Moreover, PM Imran Khan declared himself as the ambassador of Kashmiri brethren. If we analyze the global situation, we find that Muslim population is suffering everywhere. It is need of the hour that Muslim countries stand united against different conspiracies. It is highly unfortunate that in the previous governments, Kashmir issue was not highlighted as effectively as now. It is also a fact that the brave Kashmiris, despite of Indian atrocities and genocide, will never accept Indian hegemony and fascism at any cost and continue their struggle to get their right to self-determination. The policies of Modi-led Indian government will result in isolation and destruction of India.
Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Naeem Khalid Lodhi (Defense Analyst): We have to analyze the mindset of the Muslim countries in the past whenever there were issues with the Muslim Ummah. Fact is that the international community only prioritizes its national interests. It has nothing to do with the sufferings of other countries. Indian Hindutva mindset is being condemned within India itself. Many intellectuals in India are critically writing on Indian discriminatory policies. Because of present Indian government's Hindutva ideology, all neighboring countries are suffering. The world powers must realize that regional peace and prosperity will be on stake until and unless international pressure is exerted on India to review its policies. The regional countries including China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and others have to come forward against Indian aggression.
Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Raza Muhammad Khan (Defense Analyst): A few days ago, Pakistan achieved remarkable success on its narrative on Kashmir dispute. The OIC passed a unanimous resolution clearly condemning Indian atrocities and human rights violations in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The next OIC meeting is expected to be held in Pakistan in 2021 where this issue will be raised again. Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has rightly suggested that some sort of economic pressure can be exerted on India by the Muslim countries including UAE, Saudi Arabia and others to force it to stop genocide in Kashmir. India itself is getting insecure gradually as the Kashmiris across the world are united and determined to get their right to self-determination. UNSC held meeting on Kashmir issue after a gap of 50 years which is a positive development. Pakistan has also presented dossiers of Indian involvement in regional instability to the United Nations that will also mount pressure on India. I am hopeful that diplomatic and political efforts for resolution of Kashmir dispute will not go waste and the world has to convince India to give the Kashmiris their rights as per UN resolutions.
Brig. (Retd.) Said Nazir (Defense Analyst): I have no doubt in saying that gradually the international pressure is mounting on India. The international media is also highlighting Indian atrocities, human rights violations and massive genocide in the valley. The world has to acknowledge that the occupied area has become a cauldron of human tragedy. A year’s lockdown since August 5, 2019 was preceded by atrocities of Indian occupation army for 72 years. Pakistan had expressed its concerns over the matter at several international forums, but the situation is further deteriorating in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. It is collective responsibility of the international community to sort out a sustainable solution to Kashmir issue and ensure the implementation of UN resolutions in this regard. India is losing in IIOJ&K and its policies in the valley have completely failed. Sane voices within India are also rising against the Indian policies in occupied valley.