Friday, 07 February 2025, 12:14:09 am

Int’l conference on girls’ education to send a positive message to the world: Analysts
January 12, 2025

Naila Chohan (Diplomat): Girls’ education is vital for entire Muslim World. In this background the International Conference on Girls Education is a timely initiative taken by our government. We need to bring all the educational institutions like Madaris ando others into the mainstream. There is no hard and fast rule to gauge the vitality of education system of any country. In our remote areas there are dedicated schools for girls. Now the issue before the conference should be how to facilitate girls’ education in Muslim societies. Afghanistan is a sovereign country and may address their internal issues internally. Current Taliban regime made some certain commitments with the international community on several  specific issues and these commitments are still pending to be met. Pakistan pursued a regional approach regarding recognition of Taliban regime, but unfortunately Taliban regime has not yet complied with the promises made with the international community.


Dr Talat Wazarat (Educationist): The International Conference on Girls’ Education is a positive step taken by our government. Our religion impresses upon all the people to impart girls’ exudation but some people who don’t understand the spirit of Islam oppose girls’ education. I think that we need a uniformed education system to promote education standards in all the segments of the society.