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Analysts urge Afghan government to walk the talk on denying its soil to terrorists
September 15, 2023

Abdullah Gul (Defense Analyst): It is unfortunate that the interim Afghan government is not complying with the terms and conditions of the Afghan Transit Trade agreement. Moreover, as per Doha agreement, the interim government in Afghanistan would not allow the use of its soil for terrorist activities against the neighboring countries and will take action against the militants having safe havens in the country. The Afghan government is also not complying with this agreement. Rather, it is accusing Pakistan of being involved in terror activities. The world is witnessing that many wanted militants are present in Afghanistan and pose a threat to regional and global peace. Due to consistent terrorist activities emanating from Afghanistan, the bilateral relations of Pakistan and Afghanistan can be impacted. Afghan government must review its policy towards Pakistan and our government needs to give a befitting response at the diplomatic front to the Afghan government.

Dr. Zahid Anwar Khan (IR Expert): As per Doha Accord and the statement of Interim government in Afghanistan, the Afghan soil will not be used against any other country. The interim Afghan government must realize that the recent terror attacks in Pakistan from Afghanistan are in violation of Doha agreement and also negate its own statements. Some elements are making efforts to create misunderstanding and confusion between the two brotherly neighboring countries. Pakistan has opened the Chaman Border once again as a goodwill gesture for trade. However, the trade with Afghanistan must not be at the cost of terrorist attacks in Pakistan.