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APS attack united nation to fight terrorism: Analysts
December 16, 2020

Lieutenant General, retired, Naeem Khalid Lodhi (Defense Analyst): The coward enemy targeted innocent children to destabilize Pakistan. The SPS attack had shocked the entire humanity. The day must be officially observed as a black day. The APS attack failed to weaken the nation rather it further strengthened and empowered the Pakistani nation to fight against terrorism with more power. India is involved in committing terrorist activities in Pakistan. The international media has exposed India's state terrorism whereas Pakistan has emerged as a peaceful country. We have sufficient evidences that India is directly involved in terrorism to destabilize Pakistan. It is need of the hour strengthen our institutions to combat the financer and facilitators of the terrorists. The enemies of Pakistan must be dealt with iron hands. Pakistan security forces are taking concrete measures to protect the motherland.

Dr. Zahid Anwar Khan (Expert on International Relations): Peace in Afghanistan is the foremost priority of Pakistan foreign policy. Islamabad has endorsed every initiative taken for Afghan peace. Pakistan has always supported and facilitated Afghan reconciliation process. We are committed to take every step for progress and prosperity of Afghan people. We believe that Afghan-led Afghan-owned peace process is the ultimate solution of Afghan crises. Pakistan has played a significant role for peaceful resolution of Afghan crises. The people of Afghanistan are the main stakeholders of Afghan issue. Pakistan shares a long border with Afghanistan and peace spoilers are using Afghan land to sabotage peace in Pakistan. China has also played appreciable role for sustainable peace in Afghanistan.  Pakistan’s armed forces have rendered matchless sacrifices in fight against terrorism.

Lieutenant Gen Retd Asif Yaseen Malik (Defense Analyst): Pakistan is a peace-loving nationand wants to forge peaceful relations with all neighbouring countries.India should reciprocate positively to Pakistan’s peace overtures.The BJP-led regime in India has recorded all records ofaggression, brutalities and atrocities in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan’s armed forces have rendered huge sacrifices in fight against terrorism.  Entire world acknowledges Pakistan’s counter-terrorism sacrifices and peace efforts. Pakistan’s desire for peace should not be misconstrued as its weakness.  Pakistan’s armed forces are capable enough to give befitting response to Indian aggression.

Lieutenant General, retired, Raza Muhammad Khan (Defense Expert): The 16th of December is the blackest day in the history of Pakistan. India has always tried to slander Pakistan's image at international front through falsehood. Pakistan's narrative is based on reality whereas, India's propaganda is cock-and-bull story. India is financing terrorists to destabilize Pakistan. New Delhi is using Afghan soil for anti Pakistan activities. India's deteriorating relations with neighboring countries indicate that India is moving towards global isolation. There are sane vices within India taking jibe at the government's fascist policies. India's hegemonic agenda is posing serious threat to regional peace. Pakistan has rendered matchless sacrifices for global peace.

Rahim Ullah Yousafzai (Expert on Afghan Affairs): Pakistan has taken concrete measures to facilitate the Afghan peace process. The Kabul government has realized that Pakistan is making sincere efforts for durable peace in Afghanistan. The Afghan reconciliation process is a time taking process. All the stakeholders have to play their due role for the success of Afghan peace process. It is diplomatic victory of Pakistan that the world ha endorsed Pakistan's narrative for Afghan peace.  Peace and stability in Afghanistan is vital for peace and stability of the entire region.  Pakistan will continue to support an Afghan-owned and Afghan-led peace process for regional stability.