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World Community failed to ensure justice, freedom on equitable basis: KDC
December 20, 2022

(File Photo)

Kashmir Diaspora Council says the ongoing all-out war against people in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir is due to a failure of the international system to ensure justice and freedom on equitable basis.

In a statement, Vice Chairman of KDC and President of Istanbul-based Kashmir House Dr. Mubeen Shah, while condemning murder, loot and destruction of private properties in the occupied territory by the Indian forces, called on international community to wake up to the realities on the ground and act decisively and fast to protect Kashmiri people against Indian onslaught.

He said there is no reason for the international community to close its eyes on what is happening in the territory and that is why Kashmiris want international community to act fast and hold India accountable for its war crimes.

He further said Indian military regime in illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir is pursuing state terrorism to terrorize the people in order to make them surrender their right to self-determination.

He said, the Kashmiri diaspora urges the world community to formulate the Ukraine model of putting sanctions on India for refusing to implement the UN Security Council resolutions without further delay.