Ahmed (Energy Expert):
Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India gas pipeline project is vital for the entire region in general and for Pakistan-Turkmenistan in particular. However, there are various hurdles due to which this project is not fully operationalized and successful. The United Sates will not allow this project to become successful because of its tussle with Iran. Similarly, Afghanistan's unstable situation is another obstacle in the success of this project. Secure and favorable environment is necessary for the success of this project. The unfriendly relation between Pakistan and India is another issue. If Pakistan, India and Afghanistan do not solve their problems, the TAPI project cannot move forward. Pakistan has always shown determination and commitment towards the TAPI project. Moreover, the great powers are not in favor of this project due to their interests, which is a major concern and biggest hurdle in the way of this project.
Najam ul Saqib (Former Ambassador):
Historically, Pakistan and United States relations have witnessed a lot of ups and down. Former government of Pakistan Tehrik e Insaf challenged the US through its discourse. Consequently, Pakistan faced the consequences of the former government's actions. In the 1970s, we played an indispensable role in the US-china relations, which was appreciated by the US. However, the US has always used realpolitik when it comes to Pak-US relations. We actually did not understand how to keep relations with the United States. Actually, the relations between two states depend on states' economic situations. Our Foreign policy will become robust if our economic situation becomes good.
Muhammad Mukhtar (Virologist):
Virus causes infectious diseases which transfer from one person to another person. If we want to curb Polio in Pakistan and Afghanistan, we have to work together because the movement of people from across the borders will spread this virulent disease. The Vaccine manufacturing process is not rocket science. However, technology is critical for vaccine manufacturing. We lack such technology. The scientists and technologists are available in Pakistan. If the government shows its willingness then it will be good. We are dwelling in a world, which is full of infectious diseases. The only solutions to such disease are vaccines. The manufacturing of vaccines will remove the doubts of the people from their minds. We should make our bio-defense robust.