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Analysts term national unity and collective efforts vital for internal stability
February 25, 2023

Dr. Farooq Adil (IR Expert): The motive of the Apex committee represents that we have to work together to encounter terrorism. We also have to identify that who wants betterment for the country and who wants to hostile it. For that we have to invite the opposition once again to hold talks and ask them either they are with the nation or not. It is essential to ask them that whether they want to work for the betterment of the people, because this is the prime time to come together and hold that 'Grand National Dialogues'.

Dr. Muhammad Khan (IR Expert): It is essential for all the political parties to sit together and hold talks to gain each other confidence and jointly work on National Action Plan accordingly. Due to current economic crisis in the country, it would be quite fortunate that all these political parties could come to the same page for the betterment of the country. The country is again facing the extremism of the militant groups. The COAS is very upfront for Pakistan and its security forces. The moment he took oath, he made sure that the security forces will be separated from politics and he ensured it. It is very essential for us to understand that the soldiers sitting on the border to sacrifice their lives for the country, is just because of the spirit of patriotism for the nation. Therefore, it is utmost necessary for us to support our security forces.

Brig. (R) Said Nazir (Defense Analyst):Defense Minister Khawaja Asif along with the security forces' high officials visited Kabul to held talks regarding terrorist activities in the region. Pakistan has played an active and sincere role for bringing peace in Afghanistan. We have even urging world community to provide assistance to Afghanistan to avert humanitarian crisis there. But unfortunately,the Kabul government is not capable enough to confront the Taliban forces. Deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan is not in the interest of the region. Pakistan is highly concerned with the security situation in Afghanistan. Few people are facilitating these groups in the region. As these activities are prevailing in Pakistan, and now we are direct victim of them. It will not beneficial for the region and Afghan people as well. It was a positive step by the incumbent government to hold talks in these regards. As Pakistan is going for various ventures with world countries, so they can be benefitted from it.