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Analysts stress the need for a dynamic foreign policy to strengthen Pakistan’s relationship with other countries
August 25, 2023

Waheed Ahmad (Former Ambassador):  

Our policymakers have to choose the best possible options from the given scenarios. They have to do cost and benefits analysis. Pakistan is facing issues but we have always tried to keep a balance in our relations with China and the United States. Hopefully, this balance will continue. Undoubtedly, the Asia Pacific region is indispensable for the United States. It is always operating in the Middle Eastern region because of Israel. The relations with Israel are critical for the US. Therefore, the US will continue its engagement in the Middle East. Moreover, the security situations after the US withdrawal from Afghanistan will increase the participation of other forces. The ups and down will continue across the Pak-Afghan border. Economic interests are vital for every state. The US cannot contain China but it can create problems for China particularly in the South China Sea. In the South Asian region, India is playing wisely for the pursuance of its national interests. We should also take benefits from every state. Besides, the element of dynamism is also there in foreign policy. We should design our foreign policy accordingly. 

Zahid Anwar khan (IR Expert):

Pakistan will take benefits from multilateralism and it has ample experience in internal organizations and multilateralism. Pakistan has played a role in the Non-Alignment Movement (NAM). Contemporary, the world is multi-polar, which will assist developing states like Pakistan. Pakistan has friends in the BRICS and it will take benefits from them. Pakistan has cordial relations with China. China has always helped Pakistan through thick and thin.

Pakistan and the United States have a prolonged history of its relationship. We have seen many ups and downs in our relationship with the US. Unfortunately, the US has always exploited Pakistan for its national interests. One of the main objectives of the Quaid-e-Azam’s foreign policy was to keep cordial relations with all the states. We should work with the US in different sectors such as health, education and so on. We should take advantage of all states specifically from the great powers. Pakistan's geo-strategic location is vital for the great powers. Therefore, it should be exploited for the greater benefits of the state. Moreover, the US can play an indispensable role in the Kashmir issue, which is the main issue in the South Asian region. 

Lt Gen (R) Raza Muhammad Khan (Defense analyst):

The visit of the Harvard University students is important for Pakistan. The academicians play a greater role in states' relations. They tell the truth to the world. The Harvard varsity students should tell the world regarding Pakistan's situations and its sacrifices in combating terrorism. Pakistan has given a lot of sacrifices in the protracted war in Afghanistan. Despites of its limited resources, its military is fighting internal issues. In order to know about Pakistan's role in peacekeeping, democracy and in curbing terrorism, state level interaction is necessary between the US and Pakistan. International community including the US must realize Pakistan’s immense sacrifices in war against terrorism.