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APHC criticizes Indian Govt to mislead world about prevailing situation in IIOJK
May 25, 2023

The All Parties Hurriyat Conference has deplored that Narendra Modi-led Indian government is resorting to nefarious tactics to mislead the international community about the prevailing grim situation in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

The APHC in a statement in Srinagar said on one hand, the Modi regime has usurped all basic rights of the people of the occupied territory while on the other, it is attempting to hide its crimes by holding events like G20 meetings.

It said under the prevailing circumstances, it is an obligation on every justice-loving person of the world to become the voice of oppressed Kashmiris.

APHC leaders, Khadim Hussain and Syed Sibte Shabbir Qummi, in a joint statement in Srinagar expressed hope that the day is not far when the Kashmiri people will achieve their cherished goal of freedom from Indian subjugation.

The Modi-led Indian government continues to remain under stern criticism from world leading intellectuals and parliamentarians for its baffling attempt to show normalcy in highly militarised occupied Kashmir.

British Member of Parliament Imran Hussain speaking in the Parliament said the Narendra Modi-led Indian government has infringed international law by holding the G20 meeting in the internationally recognized disputed territory.

He termed the move a step further towards violating the human rights of the Kashmiri people.